Activity Boxes

Think Outside The Box

Research shows that due to COVID-19 students were greatly impacted in math especially underserved students. We wanted to transform how students were learning. To do so, NMFS formed a design team of teachers and math specialists to address (re)building math skills of K-5 students. Our team designed and curated effective hands on math games and small art activities that would reinforce math skills. We envisioned students receiving a small box filled with learning material that could be used at home as well as before, after, and during school. Our activity boxes also simultaneously reduce teacher burden.

We want to keep the learning fun for children and easy for parents and teachers to use.

Each activity box has 5 to 6 games in a math and art project. We include 95% of the supplies in each box. Students may need a little help from a parent or an adult to get started. The math games are intended to be played multiple times throughout a month. Each activity box has a different math focus.

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